“We have been using the Chatty Therapy service for a number of years and this has become integral to our teaching and learning offer. A significant proportion of our children start school with language delay and the work we do with Chatty Learning helps us to ensure that children are able to actively develop their language skills. In addition to children’s development, our staff have also learned a repertoire of skills through working alongside our therapist, making delivery of subsequent interventions much more productive. We’re really happy with our partnership and even though money is tight, we prioritise our work with Chatty Learning because we know it works.”
Primary School, Warrington
“Following identification of children who need additional support, Chatty Learning has produced bespoke programmes working directly with children and staff. Chatty Learning has given us the confidence in knowing we are having the greatest impact.”
Chris Priddey, Head
Sandiway Primary, Cheshire

Good value support which gets results

Through our Chatty Therapy service we have two offerings:

  1. To schools in the North West we can provide an on-site Specialist SALT Team to work in your schools every week throughout the academic year
  2. To other schools outside the North West region, we can provide an online 1:1 Specialist SALT to support your key staff


On-site Specialist SALT support:

What you get:

  • An experienced Speech and Language Therapist to carry out assessments and reviews
  • A trained Chatty Learning Therapy Assistant to carry out several sessions each week
  • A quick turnaround of assessments, reports, and programmes
  • Support for staff to understand what your children need
  • Increased staff confidence
  • Liaison with external professionals where appropriate


Online 1:1 Specialist SALT support

We can help support you with:

  • selecting the best informal screening tools
  • selecting the best resources for intervention
  • advice about making your setting more communication-friendly
  • bespoke training
  • discussion about classroom strategies